1. 小鼠骨髓细胞的获得
1.1 小鼠(6~8周)颈椎脱臼法处死,将处死的小鼠放于含有酒精的小烧杯中浸泡2 min,消毒灭菌,在超净台中手术取出所有的胫骨和股骨,并用剪刀和镊子将骨周围的肌肉组织尽量去除干净;
1.2 将取好的骨头转移到装有无菌PBS的培养皿中,涮洗一次后转移至另一个装有无菌PBS的培养皿;
1.3 用剪刀剪去骨的两端,再用注射器抽取PBS,针头分别插入两端骨髓腔中,用注射器打入PBS,反复冲洗骨髓至培养皿中,直至骨完全变白;
1.4 收集骨髓悬液,用筛网过滤去除小碎片和肌肉组织;
1.5 将滤过液500×g/5 min离心,弃去上清;
1.6 将离心后的沉淀弹散,加入2 ml红细胞裂解液(1X),室温裂解5 min。
1.7 加等量RPMI 1640完全培养基终止裂红, 200×g, 5 min离心,弃去上清。
2. 小鼠骨髓细胞的极化
2.1用RPMI 1640完全培养基(1640培养基+10%FBS+双抗)重悬细胞至1*106/ml,加入终浓度为20ng/ml的Mouse M-CSF,24孔培养板中加入1ml细胞悬液,此后隔天半量换液,诱导分化6-7天,细胞分化成M0;
2.2 M1方向极化:分化6-7天后,继续加入100ng/ml的LPS和50ng/ml的Mouse IFN-γ,同时还需加入Mouse M-CSF,极化24小时;
2.3 M2方向极化:分化6-7天后,继续加入20ng/ml的Mouse IL-4或和20 ng/ml的Mouse IL-13,同时还需加入Mouse M-CSF,极化24小时;
2.4. 细胞鉴定:购买相应的流式抗体(如F4/80、CD11b、CD80、CD206)进行染色鉴定(M1: CD80+CD206-, M2: CD80+CD206+)。
产品编号 |
产品名称 |
规格 |
目录价 |
CM061-5MP |
Recombinant M-CSF,Mouse,AF |
5 μg |
¥600 |
CM061-20MP |
Recombinant M-CSF,Mouse,AF |
20 μg |
¥1,500 |
CM061-100MP |
Recombinant M-CSF,Mouse,AF |
100 μg |
¥4,500 |
CM061-500MP |
Recombinant M-CSF,Mouse,AF |
500 μg |
¥13,000 |
CM061-1000MP |
Recombinant M-CSF,Mouse,AF |
1 mg |
¥20,000 |
CM052-20MP |
Recombinant IFN gamma,Mouse,AF |
20 μg |
¥600 |
CM052-100MP |
Recombinant IFN gamma,Mouse,AF |
100 μg |
¥1,500 |
CM052-500MP |
Recombinant IFN gamma,Mouse,AF |
500 μg |
¥4,500 |
CM052-1000MP |
Recombinant IFN gamma,Mouse,AF |
1 mg |
¥7,000 |
CM005-5MP |
Recombinant IL-4,Mouse,AF |
5 μg |
¥600 |
CM005-20MP |
Recombinant IL-4,Mouse,AF |
20 μg |
¥1,500 |
CM005-100MP |
Recombinant IL-4,Mouse,AF |
100 μg |
¥4,500 |
CM005-500MP |
Recombinant IL-4,Mouse,AF |
500 μg |
¥13,000 |
CM005-1000MP |
Recombinant IL-4,Mouse,AF |
1 mg |
¥20,000 |
CM036-5MP |
Recombinant IL-13,Mouse,AF |
5 μg |
¥600 |
CM036-20MP |
Recombinant IL-13,Mouse,AF |
20 μg |
¥1,500 |
CM036-100MP |
Recombinant IL-13,Mouse,AF |
100 μg |
¥4,500 |
CM036-500MP |
Recombinant IL-13,Mouse,AF |
500 μg |
¥13,000 |
CM036-1000MP |
Recombinant IL-13,Mouse,AF |
1 mg |
¥20,000 |
1. Zajac E, Schweighofer B, Kupriyanova TA, et al. Angiogenic capacity of M1- and M2-polarized macrophages is determined by the levels of TIMP-1 complexed with their secreted proMMP-9. Blood. 2013;122:4054-4067.
2. Murray PJ, Allen JE, Biswas SK, et al. Macrophage activation and polarization: nomenclature and experimental guidelines. Immunity. 2014;41:14-20.
· Stigmasterol attenuates inflammatory response of microglia via NF-κB and NLRP3 signaling by AMPK activation.Biomed Pharmacother. 2022 Jun 27;153:113317. (IF 6.529)(Mouse IL-4)
· Decoding the spatial chromatin organization and dynamic epigenetic landscapes of macrophage cells during differentiation and immune activation.Nat Commun. 2022 Oct 4;13(1):5857. (IF 14.919) (Human M-CSF)
· Suppression of PD-L1 release from small extracellular vesicles promotes systemic anti-tumor immunity by targeting ORAI1 calcium channels. J Extracell Vesicles. 2022 Dec;11(12):e12279. (IF 15.48) (Mouse IFN-γ)
· IFNγ Transcribed by IRF1 in CD4 + Effector Memory T Cells Promotes Senescence-Associated Pulmonary Fibrosis. Aging Dis. 2023 Mar 23. (IF 9.968) (Mouse IFN-γ)
· Interferon-α regulates abnormally increased expression of RSAD2 in Th17 and Tfh cells in systemic lupus erythematosus patients.Eur J Immunol. 2023 May 13;e2350420. (IF 6.688) (Human IFN-α, IFN-β, IFN-γ)